Case 1
Lately I visited the National Museum of Antiquities (‘Rijksmuseum van Oudheden’) in Leiden. One of the many fascinating objects that amazed me was ‘The Stele of Hatiay’. It shows general Hatiay announcing – in name of his king - that he has established many new sacred memorials (1330-1320 BC). That’s what the text near the stele tells us.
I was intrigued
by the triangular shaped device that Hatiay holds in his hand. If you have a
close look at the smaller persons, some of them also hold similar devices. In
my view the triangular shaped units look like microphones. With a little bit of
phantasy we see here something that looks like an early version of an internet
teams meeting… Maybe the microphones operate wireless since there is a small
piece of (antenna) wire coming from the triangles…
The kneeling god with a 'falcon's head' is known as 'the soul of Buto' and is dated appr. 400 BC. Does this look like a falcon to you? The creature has 4 tows on each foot.