Monday, 17 April 2023

The Stele of Hatiay

Case 1

Lately I visited the National Museum of Antiquities (‘Rijksmuseum van Oudheden’) in Leiden. One of the many fascinating objects that amazed me was ‘The Stele of Hatiay’. It shows general Hatiay announcing – in name of his king - that he has established many new sacred memorials (1330-1320 BC). That’s what the text near the stele tells us.

I was intrigued by the triangular shaped device that Hatiay holds in his hand. If you have a close look at the smaller persons, some of them also hold similar devices. In my view the triangular shaped units look like microphones. With a little bit of phantasy we see here something that looks like an early version of an internet teams meeting… Maybe the microphones operate wireless since there is a small piece of (antenna) wire coming from the triangles…

Case 2

Between the Nasca lines one can discover this creature;

Doesn't the device on the head look like a satellite dish beaming up a radio signal ?

Case 3

The kneeling god with a 'falcon's head' is known as 'the soul of Buto' and is dated appr. 400 BC.  
Does this look like a falcon to you? The creature has 4 tows on each foot.
How about a creature which is a result of DNA mixture between two beings ?

The soul of Buto. Source; 'goden en farao's ', Museum Boymans - van Beuningen, 1979

Friday, 7 April 2023

BC860XLT VHF/UHF scanner

Last weekend I re-discovered the Uniden Bearcat BC860XLT VHF/UHF scanner. I did not use it for over 10 years. It is a remarkable receiver covering the frequency range 29 – 956 MHz. It contains 100 channels to store favorite frequencies.

I was glad to find out that the device still works fine. Receiving aircraft AM voice transmissions from Rotterdam Airport and vessel voice communications from the Northsea confirm that the unit is in good shape. Nice toy !

