Friday, 23 August 2013

Poor man's programming

Yesterday I went for a quick fix to incorporate my own text in the PIC12F683 of the pico OSD.
Used the hex editor WinPic800 to change existing text to new text. 
I would not call this programming, it's just changing ASCII hex codes. Anyway, the result looked ok. My callsign, QTH locator and elapsed time come in view superimposed on a PAL video signal (e.g. from camera, DVD player)

                                                 Screenshot WinPic800

TV screen 1

TV screen 2

I am considering to download Microchip's development environment MPLAB IDE and a trial version of Hi-Techs C-compiler for small PICs to try some real programming. Four 2K Eeprom PICs 12F683 have already been ordered from eBay (total of $3.00 incl. shipping from China :-) ).

Hope to do some testing coming weekend with a small ATV transmitter (100 mW) and biquad antenna. Coming period I won't have much time for the hobby since the end of my holiday is approaching and the QRL starts to pull.


  1. Ha Leuk Ron, vroeger "programmeerde" ik op die manier mijn eigen NL versie van TSTHost (packetradio). Werkte perfekt. 73, Bas

    1. Bas,
      Ja, werkt zeker goed. Moest alleen even de HEX codes van de ascii karakters opzoeken die ik nodig had. Ik heb trouwens goede ervaringen met PICs. Leuk speelgoed. Met Proton basic heb ik hier wel kleine projectjes (16F628, 16F877, 12F675) mee gemaakt.
      Goed weekend, Ron
