PI7CIS is a 2 meter / 70 cm beacon with QTH locator JO22dc (Scheveningen). The distance to my QTH is appr. 60 km.
It transmits CW signals on 144.416 MHz (45 W) and 432.416 MHz (75 W). Antenna height is 42 meters ASL. More info: http://www.pa0c.nl/Pi7cis/pi7cis_vhf_beacon.htm
I was looking for a steady 70 cm signal for experimenting and improving the stability of my 28 - 432 MHz transverter and found PI7CIS. I am trying to improve the transverter's 404 MHz oscillator stability. This oscillator is not temperature compensated (TCXO or OCXO). With a small resistor-heated heatsink on top of the oscillator I try to improve the short term stablity.
70 cm beacon on screen
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